Finnish Society For Music Therapy (FSMT)
The Finnish Society for Music Therapy (FSMT) was founded and registered in 1973. The aim of the society is to promote professional music therapy activities in Finland. The society supports non-registered regional sub-committees throughout Finland. Membership of the Society is divided into five categories: professional, advocacy, student, pensioner, and community membership. The benefits and fees of each membership type may vary.
Information and co-operation
An important task of FSMT is to share information about music therapy and its possibilities. FSMT cooperates with other healthcare, social, and educational organizations in Finland. FSMT is also a member of the World Federation of Music Therapy and the European Music Therapy Confederation and maintains contact with other music therapy organizations worldwide.
FSMT publishes the professional journal ‘Musiikkiterapia’ (Music Therapy). This journal follows scientific developments in music therapy and demonstrates music therapy work in practice. The Society also publishes books and booklets in the music therapy field. These publications can be purchased online.
Professional aims
FSMT works to promote music therapy by issuing declarations and participating in public discussions about music therapy. The Society maintains a register of professional music therapists in Finland and organizes a music therapy forum for discussing current professional matters. FSMT also offers counseling and educational services to professionals working in related fields. FSMT has an ethical commission that is available to music therapy professionals and clients alike.
Education and training
National seminars held twice a year are considered the backbone of the SMTY. These 2-3 day educational meetings bring together music therapy professionals in Finland. The seminar programs consist of visitor lectures as well as music therapy clinicians introducing their work, taking into account both the scientific and practical aspects of music therapy.
SMTY has a representative in “SUMUKE” (the commission to develop music therapy education in Finland), which coordinates music therapy education in Finland. The main task of SUMUKE is to develop common criteria for music therapy training and to cooperate with the different music therapy training organizations.
More information
Pia Kvist (executive director)
phone: +358 50 383 5852 (mobile)
E-mail: toiminnanjohtaja (a)
Anne Takamäki (chair)
phone: +358 40 683 7777 (mobile)
E-mail: puheenjohtaja (a)
Mailing address:
Suomen musiikkiterapiayhdistys ry
Hiekkakiventie 2 a 3
90240 Oulu